Friday, May 30, 2008

The Host

In the beginning the book was moving fairly slow, but that was because the first few chapters were an introduction to the entire story. The whole idea of aliens taking over worlds and the bodies of other beings to maintain peace is very farfetched but I like it. Stephanie Meyer put a sligh t twist to it by making the humans in her novel look like the monsters and the foreign creatures were the ones trying to tone down violence. Not only does this story have peacemaking aliens but also romance; a love triangle if I may say, between the alien, the human's mind, and the human's boyfriend. This normally attracts the minds of young adults like myself, which is why I see this novel as a great choice for personal reading.

What components of this book are the most attractive?The romance or the alien invasion?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg, you are so right. when i first started reading the book i was about to throw it against the wall. i knew that it was going to get good but it was taking so long to get there that i almost didnt make it. i tried to skip parts but the book makes so many connections between the chapters that it was impossible to know what was going on unless you read everything.