Thursday, June 12, 2008

The host Chunk Three

Honestly if I were in the situation that Wanderer and Melanie are in I would do exactly what Wanderer is doing. I understand that Melanie is in deep love with Jared and shes so happy to see them alive, but she also promised them she would come back. If she is alive in some way I believe her life is worth saving. But with all the crazy outbursts she has she is making it that much harder for Wanderer. Wanderer has it in her mind that if she talks less then she would cause less trouble. Which makes sense because every time she said something or made a move she ended up getting hit. On the other hand, from the very beginning wouldn't have stayed in Melanie's body if I was having trouble with it. As a soul maybe a reputation is more important but I don't see the use of a reputation if I can't gloat about it. Think about it. There was a very large chance that Melanie would've pushed Wanderer out of her body. If I were a soul that would scare the living crap out of me. Wanderer has some serious issues when it comes to decision making. What actually throws me for a loop is she doesn't know who she wants to help. She is keeping secrets from the humans and she is keeping secrets from her own kind. Its like she's a rogue soul or something. To be frank her indecisive mind is annoying me. Either she helps the aliens or the humans. I'm sure what I want to happen but I know something needs too happen soon. Books don't always have to have a happy ending but they do need to have a good one.

Who is your least favorite character and why?
How do you think the book should end?

The Host Chunk Two

Now that Melanie and Wanderer have been caught, Wanderer is in a state of fear and panic. As she listens to the ddisputes and conversaations, she sees that she has been saved, not because the humans care about her, but because she is suppose to be apart of some experiment that the humans have ran on other souls and failed. These observations she makes confirm the thoughts that she and her people had about humans being violent beings. Meyers introduces something that has always been. That is research. Research is used to learn more about something and unfortunately its not always done in the most humane way. ot only that but it results in failure at times as well. The worse type of research known to man is that done another living creature. It's known to many as playing God if you don't let things happen naturally. It's also seen as a barbarian like occupation to run experiments on people. This portion of the book is a small evaluation of what humans would do to get the knowledge that they want. Whats crazy is their knowledge is in the form of a diamond. Its like a conflict/blood diamond.

The Host

Finally Melanie got what she wanted. She has found Jared among these humans howver her love for him has blinded her. This is because Jared does not see Melanie. The only thing he sees them as right now are parasites. She ignores the fact that he does not know that she is still alive. Her longing for him is so strong that she actually gains enough control to extend toward him only to recieve a pound against her face by the smack of his hand. However, the thing that makes this scene pitiful is that she seems to obsess over him instead of analyzing her situation to see what she should do to stay alive. Stephanie Meyers is giving the impression that love is more like an obsession.

What is the difference between love and obsession?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sixth Blog For The Host

At this point Wanderer is definitely helping Melanie get to her family. They are wandering around in a desert to follow the directions of a relative of Melanie's of whom is known to be crazy. They do this in hopes to find Jared and Jamie at the house waiting for her to arrive. Amazingly they make it to their destination only to pass out on the hot desert sand. They are rescued by Melanie's uncle but he, along with a group of other survivors, believe her body is taken over by an alien, which it is, but she is still coexisting in her mind. The humans are feeling threatened by her presence and Melanie and Wanderer now have to figure out how they can convince these people that Melanie is still alive inside of her or neither of them will be living. The worse part is Melanie will die at the hands of her very own uncle unless they think of way to get the humans to believe them. Though she is looking death in its face the only thing on Melanie's mind is what other relatives of hers have survived this take over. Wanderer is preoccupied with the clubs and axes in the hands of the people surrounding them. Honestly their whole mission is pointless. In the end if they do find Jared what will happen? Wanderer is pretty blind to believe that Jared will return the same feelings she now has for him. His heart is with the human Melanie not with the soul Wanderer, or any soul for that matter.

Fifth Blog For The Host

Uh Oh! Wanderer is way over her head. At this point she is thinking of turning on her people. Melanie's story has made such an impact on Wanderer she is beginning to act human. I mean that in a sense as she is starting to have feelings for Melanie, her boyfriend Jared, and her little brother Jamie. Wanderer is now trying to think of how she is going to get clear of this difficult obstacle. One of her options is to just leave the body but then she would have to leave the host to a harassing Seeker that wants to try and get the info from Melanie's mind herself. Just the idea disgusts both Melanie and Wanderer. The turn of events in this story keep readers alive while reading. One thing that is booming in my head is what will Wanderer do if she actually meets Melanie's family? How can she convince them that Melanie is still present in her mind and that she means no harm? Wanderer is taking a risk with any choice she makes. Either she helps Melanie save her family or she doesnt help and let the Seeker feed off of Melanie's mind to destroy the last two humans who have not been invaded.

What is it about people that makes them more human than animals? Is our capability to fell emotion? Animals feel emotion.
Is it our ability to make mistakes? Animals do it too even if they don't know it.
What sets humans apart from animals? (I only hope you won't say opposable thumbs).

Fourth Blog For The Host

Two main characters-a human girl named Melanie, and a soul named Wanderer- are conflicting with each other at this point. With most invasions of a host (human body) the mind has been completely taken over and the human is no longer existing in spirit, howver with Melanie it is a different story. Wanderer is known for her ability to take over any host successfully without struggle but Melanie is not a child host like all the other hosts. Melanie is still existing as a second mind in her body with Wanderer and she can't take it. Melanie continues to block thoughts in her mind to protect the last humans who have not been found making Wanderer's job much harder than she expected. By feeding the alien memories of her beloved Melanie has tapped into the "heart" of Wanderer causing her to fall in love. Wanderer is not use to this type of struggle and she is not sure whether she is safe in the host she has. If she stays in Melanie's body she is at risk to losing herself to Melanie. If she does not she will destroy her reputation as a conquering soul. How long will it be before Melanie wins her body back and pushes the invader out like Wanderer meant to do to her?

What is it about social appearance that gives it its title and place of important in people's minds?